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California moves forward with landmark plastic waste reduction law

Only 9% of the plastic sold every year in the United States is recycled. California’s new law aims to change that and hold companies accountable through the Plastic Pollution Prevention and Packaging Producer Responsibility Act which mandates that all single-use packaging and plastic food service ware like cutlery, takeout containers, and plates be recyclable or compostable by 2032, with a 25% reduction and a 65% recycling rate for these materials. Learn more at #HealthyWorldForAll.

44% of Ocean Plastics Are Linked to Takeout Food

Nearly 44% of plastic pollutants in the ocean are linked to takeout food containers and wrappers, single-use bags, and plastic bottles. Learn more at #HealthyWorldForAll.

Celebrating Earth Month 2024: Reusable Is Beautiful

Celebrate Earth Month with Heal the Bay by signing up for “Reusable is Beautiful” activities, choosing reusable options over single-use plastic and keeping our waterways clean, safe, and beautiful. Learn more at #HealthyWorldForAll.


DYK: According to the United Nation Environment Programme, plastic waste causes $13 billion worth of damage to marine ecosystems every year. Learn more at #HealthyWorldForAll.

Environmental Sustainability in the Fashion Industry

DYK: 500,000 tons of microfibers are released into the ocean each year from washing clothes — the equivalent of 50 billion plastic bottles. A recent study found that microplastics were found in the blood of 80% of people tested. Learn more at #HealthyWorldForAll.


DYK: Clothing is made with highly toxic dyes and heavy metals that pollute clean water streams, rivers and aquifers. In addition, 85% of all textiles go to the dump each year and significant amounts of microplastics from them go into the go into the ocean. Learn more at #HealthyWorldForAll.

Celebrate Earth Day on April 22 and help protect our planet by participating in local events.

Celebrate Earth Day on April 22 and help protect our planet by participating in local events. This year’s theme is Planet vs. Plastics and promotes awareness on the health risk of plastics and phasing out single-use plastics. The goal is a 60% reduction in the production of all plastics by 2040. Visit Learn more at #HealthyWorldForAll.

California Forges Ahead With Food Waste Recycling

California’s organic waste recycling program seeks to slash by 75% the amount of organic waste it sends to landfills by 2025 from 2014 levels. The goal is to keep waste from piling up in landfills, and instead turn it into compost or biogas. The program is behind schedule. Learn more at #HealthyWorldForfAll.

The Best Rain Jackets in the World Will Soon Be Illegal—with Good Reason

DYK: In 2024, 35 states will introduce policies banning PFAS forever chemicals, according to Safer States, a national alliance of environmental health organizations and coalitions. PFAS are found in numerous consumer products, providing heat, oil, stain, and grease resistance; they also pose serious human health concerns. Learn more at #HealthyWorldForAll.

California orders recycling company to pay $140.5M in bottle, can scheme

Recycling fraud is a serious crime in California. A recycling company was ordered to pay $140.5 million in penalties for defrauding California’s Beverage Container Recycling program. Learn more at #HealthyWorldForAll.

California bill would ban all plastic shopping bags at grocery stores

California lawmakers want to ban all plastic bags by 2026. The 2014 plastic bag ban, which banned thin plastic bags but allowed the purchase of thicker plastic bags designed for recycling, was not effective and increased plastic bag use, according to a recent study. Learn more at #HealthyWorldForAll.

What Do Plastic Recycling Symbols Actually Mean? Decoding Plastics #1 - #7

DYK: The chasing arrows recycling symbol doesn't always mean a plastic item is recyclable. Depending on where you live, recyclability depends on the number within the arrows. Learn more at #HealthyWorldForAll.

This California startup is replacing plastic bags with seaweed-based packaging

Bags made from seaweed can be used as an alternative to plastic bags, according to a new company. The bags biodegrade in four to six weeks and have a 12-month shelf life. Learn more at #HealthyWorldForAll.


A new California law mandates that by 2032, 25% of single use plastic be eliminated, 65% of single-use plastic be recycled, and 100% of single-use packaging be recyclable or compostable. Learn more at #HealthyWorldForAll.

The Disparate Impacts of Urban Noise

DYK: According to a new study of 83 U.S. cities, formerly redlined areas (which are still predominantly Black, brown, or low-income) experience higher noise levels which can damage hearing after less than two hours of exposure. The noise also affects animals in the area. Learn more at #HealthyWorldForAll.

Get-rich-quick scheme? You can recycle wine bottles starting in the new year

Starting Jan. 1, 2024, Californians can redeem for cash their glass wine and liquor bottles, large plastic juice bottles, boxed wine containers and alcoholic beverage pouches. This applies to containers purchased in California. Learn more at #HealthyWorldForAll.

California officials approve plan to crack down on microplastics polluting the ocean

California aims to sharply limit the spiraling scourge of microplastics in the ocean, while urging more study of this threat to fish, marine mammals and potentially to humans, under a plan a state panel approved Wednesday.

'You Can't Recycle Your Way Out': California's Plastic Problem and What We Can Do About It

California dumps more than 12,000 tons of plastic into landfills every day — enough to fill 219 Olympic-size swimming pools, according to CalRecycle, the state's recycling and waste management agency.