Californians have been staggered by the impacts of climate change: extreme heat;
profound drought followed by disastrous rains, bomb cyclones, and severe flooding;
catastrophic wildfire; and sea level rise, coastal erosion, and landslides.
All of these conditions have plagued the state with increasing frequency to the point, at times, of feeling nonstop.
The results have been devastating, with loss of human life, loss of biodiversity, damage to infrastructure, and disruption of local economies widespread.
While the devastating impacts of climate change continue to affect everyday Californians,
Governor Newsom and the California Legislature plan to take back billions of dollars they previously committed to keeping our communities and environment safe from these forces.
These unfulfilled promises will pause and potentially reverse state progress to improve coastal and wildlife resilience,
increase water recycling and cleanup, and deploy other crucial climate initiatives that would tackle climate impacts that disproportionately affect California's most vulnerable.
As we face the threats of climate change and ecosystem loss,
it is critical that our leaders remain focused on solutions,
on better preparing our communities to adapt to drought, heat,
and wildfire as well as the extreme weather swings that will only be more common in the future.
Ensuring that our coastal communities, for example,
are ready for increased flooding in the near-term and are more resilient in the face of sea-level rise for the long-term.
While we appreciate the need for responsible spending and how precarious the state’s budget situation is,
California's communities and environment cannot wait,
and they also cannot respond to the negative effects of climate change without proper funding.
If California wants to meet its climate goals and demonstrate its commitment to protecting its people and environment,
then it must maintain investments in addressing our climate emergency.
The reality is that if we don’t address the impacts of climate change now,
many of the other critical issues we face won’t matter.
Sending the note below will tell the governor and other policymakers in Sacramento
that these issues are of top importance to you and encourage them to make the right choices to address them.